Tuesday, December 1, 2015

C-Reactive Protein, Fibrinogen, and Cardiovascular Disease Prediction

In an endeavor to enhance cardiovascular risk prediction, substantial interest has been aimed at CRP or C-reactive protein, a good marker of inflammation[1]. This is so because this unique protein has been included in diverse potential epidemiological studies in order to foretell stroke, peripheral arterial disease, incident myocardial infarction, as also abrupt cardiac death. CRP levels can also predict the risk of those who are going through percutaneous angioplasty, recurrent ischemia, those admitted to emergency rooms suffering from acute coronary syndromes as well as the incident of demise among people with stable/unstable angina. This decidedly dependable clinical information is duly supported by profuse experimental and laboratory evidence that amply demonstrate that atherothrombosis, apart from being an ailment of lipid accumulation, characterizes a chronic inflammatory process. In the context of clinical application, C-reactive protein appears be a more potent predictor of most cardiovascular events than the conventional LDL cholesterol, thereby adding prognostic data at every level of calculated Framingham Risk as well as the metabolic syndrome. By means of extensively available high-sensitivity assays, C-reactive protein levels of <1, 1-3, along with >3 mg/L, that are in accordance with low, moderate, and high risk groups for all future cardiovascular events. Individuals with LDL cholesterol lower than 130 mg/dL and who have CRP levels of >3 mg/L embody a high-risk group that is frequently missed in clinical practice. Adding CRP to standard cholesterol appraisal might thus supply an uncomplicated and low-cost method in order to advance global risk prediction and observance of preventive approaches.  


Fibrinogen is considered to be a significant, self-determining risk factor in the instance of cardiovascular disease[2]. This suggests that an increase in the dynamic presence of fibrinogen might be a conduit through which the accompanying risk factors apply their undue effect. There are various mechanisms by which this substance might enhance cardiovascular risk. Firstly it does so, by binding expressly to activate platelets by means of glycoprotein IIb /IIIa, thus promoting platelet aggregation. Secondly, elevated levels of fibrinogen help promote the formation of fibrin. Thirdly, the substance is a dynamic contributor to factors such as plasma viscosity. Finally, fibrinogen remains an acute-phase reactant that becomes enhanced in inflammatory states.


There is ever increasing debates going on concerning the value of evaluating levels of CRP or C-reactive protein, as also many other soluble biomarkers of inflammation in order to predict the initial cardiovascular events. Several learned societies and academic journals came forward to discuss the topic. As early as 2003, the American Heart Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention arrived at the joint conclusion that CRP can be used at a physician’s discretion, as a component of an international evaluation cardiovascular risk.

In 2009, the Canadian Cardiovascular Society advocated CRP appraisal in those patients who are at “intermediate risk,” a term that was defined as the envisaged risk of any cardiovascular event, along the ensuing 10 years, of 10 percent to fewer than 20 percent.

In the same year, the medicine practice guidelines issued by the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory came to the conclusion that measurement of the various CRP levels can come handy in the stratification of those patients who are at intermediate risk of a cardiovascular event, even though all available evidence concerning the utility of levels of fibrinogen as also some other biomarkers of inflammation was deemed to be inconclusive. It is hoped that more guidelines concerning those biomarkers should soon emerge.

There is a correlation between fibrinogens and C-reactive proteins on the one hand and cardiovascular situations on the other. This study is aimed at comprehending the processes that make fibrinogens and C-reactive proteins impinge on Cardiac syndromes.


An intrinsically disordered protein or IDP is a type of protein, lacking in a well ordered three-dimensional structure[3]. IDPs generally cover a whole series of states from wholly unstructured to partly structured, including (pre-)molten globules, random coils, and big multi-domain proteins united by flexible linkers. They contain significant kinds of protein along with fibrous, globular, as also membrane proteins[4].

The discovery of the unique IDPs has defied the conventional protein structure paradigm: the function of protein function remains dependent on a set three-dimensional structure. This paradigm has been threatened by the increasing evidence derived from several disciplines of structural biology, implying that that protein dynamics might be highly pertinent for like systems. In spite of their being deficient in of stable structure, IDPs are an extensive and functionally significant type of proteins. In certain situations, IDPs can take on a fixed three-dimensional structure following a binding with other macromolecules. On the whole, IDPs are unlike structured proteins in various ways and be likely to possess specific properties in terms of structure, evolution, function, sequence, interactions, and regulation[5].


We made an analysis of data from 52 potential studies, consisting of an incredible 246,669 participants belonging to various nationalities and ages, all of them wholly free from any history of cardiovascular disease, for the investigation of the value of appending fibrinogen or CRP levels to traditional risk elements to predict cardiovascular risk. We computed the measures of discrimination as also reclassification throughout the follow-up periods and created models to represent the clinical implications of the commencement of statin therapy following the appraisal of fibrinogen or CRP[6].


By adding the information on high-density lipoprotein cholesterol to a predictive model for CVD that consisted of sex, age, smoking status, history of diabetes, blood pressure as well as total cholesterol level, there was an increase in the C-index, which is a degree of risk discrimination, by an amount of 0.0050. Adding this model of information on fibrinogen or CRP further, again n amplified the C-index by 0.0027 and 0.0039 respectively to P<0.001, and provided a net reclassification improvement of 0.83% and 1.52% respectively, for the entire predicted 10 year risk categories comprising of "low" amounting to <10%), "intermediate" to 10% to <20%, as also "high" to ≥20%, with P<0.02 for both the comparisons. We anticipated that among 100,000 grown-ups aged 40 years or more, 15,025 individuals would primarily be classified as that of at intermediate risk for a cardiovascular event, provided only traditional risk factors were used to compute the risk. Presupposing that statin therapy would be commenced in line with Adult Treatment Panel III guidelines, by virtue of adding targeted evaluation of fibrinogen or CRP levels in the outstanding participants numbering 13,199, who are at intermediate risk, could help in the prevention of about 30 more cardiovascular events for duration of 10 years[7].


In a research study of persons without any known cardiovascular disease, it was estimated that under the present treatment guidelines, estimation of the fibrinogen or CRP level of those belong to the category of intermediate risk for a cardiovascular event can help in the prevention of one extra event for a duration of 10 years for each 400 - 500 individuals screened[8].

Importance of Intrinsic Disorder for Understanding CVD. 

Relevant data indicates that intrinsic disorder remains extremely profuse in CVD-related proteins. Moreover, flexibility can have a vital role to play in the function of a few of these proteins. How general can these observations be? Intrinsically disordered proteins can perform various vital biological functions [9], as they are rigorously involved in the matter of cell signaling[10], recognition, and nucleic acid and protein−protein interactions [11]. The extreme flexibility related to intrinsic disorder accords proteins numerous functional benefits over globular proteins, having definite three-dimensional structures. Two of these disorder-related functional advantages are extremely vital for signaling proteins, as these have high specificity along with low affinity as also binding diversity[12]. The primary property determines an extremely specific and rapid response of a signaling protein to a specified stimulus, while the second one has the responsibility of binding the diversity of proteins engaged in the wide cascade of protein−protein interactions. It has been theorize d that the measure of intrinsic disorder in extremely connected proteins or hubs must correlate with the number of interacting partners. This assumption was substantiated by the analysis of the disorder prediction for various hubs. Moreover, the performance of cell-signaling proteins is generally acknowledged to be in harmony with several post-translational modifications that were demonstrated to occur frequently in disordered regions [13]. For instance, it was shown that factors such as sequence complexity, amino acid compositions, hydrophobicity, charge, as well as other sequence attributes of realms adjoining the phosphorylation, remain analogous to those of intrinsically disordered protein areas. By depending on these observations, a unique web-based tool to predict protein phosphorylation sites, termed DISPHOS or disorder-enhanced phosphorylation predictor, came to be developed[14].

Another significant benefit of intrinsic disorder is that the flexible regions and/or proteins are subjected to rapid proteolytic digestion. It has been demonstrated that disordered regions are actually 106-fold more swiftly digested than is the case with ordered regions, as well as a local unfolding of 13 residues adjoining the scissile bond is essential for protease binding. This is critical for all signaling proteins, because every cellular signaling process requires finely tuned control and quick removal of certain proteins in the cell. Disordered regions probably bear the signals for the machinery of proteolytic degrading as a primary part of their general regulatory role.

The affiliation between disorder content and conformational stability remain a significant question. Wholly disordered proteins lack an ordered structure and this renders them somewhat insensitive to increases in temperature and opposed to heat-induced aggregation. This is so because the elevated content of charged amino acid and hydrophilic residues render unstructured proteins soluble at high temperatures. In the same way, several completely disordered proteins have enhanced stability toward perchloric acid and richloroacetic treatment. Conversely, it is anticipated that a semifolded protein, having an extended disordered region can have diminished conformational stability as compared to the fully ordered protein of a like size. Notably, the folding state and stability of these inherently disordered proteins can depend on the incidence of explicit binding partners.

Consideration of intrinsic disorder remains decisive for the understanding of alternative splicing[15], an essentially biological process, occurring at the time of the maturation step of a pre-mRNA, permitting the creation of diverse mature mRNA variants stemming from an exclusive transcription unit. Alternative splicing is a crucial mechanism in the production of a lot of protein and mRNA isoforms, out of a few genes. This renders complex the multicellular eukaryotes by enhancing proteome size and protein diversity in spite of the comparatively small number of these genes. Actually, between 35% and 60% of all human genes are projected to produce protein isoforms through alternatively spliced mRNA [16]. Recent research has emphasized the significance of alternative splicing in the form of a regulatory process, having a high frequency in signaling and regulatory proteins. Besides, it has been revealed that alternative splicing is frequently linked to wholly and partially disordered protein regions, implying that the mapping of alternatively spliced segments with regions of intrinsic protein disorder can enable functional as well as regulatory diversity, at the same time evading structural catastrophe. Significantly, there is a correlation between problematic alternative splicing as also the development of various human ailments. A descriptive instance of a disease linked to alternative splicing is problematic postnatal heart remodeling. Lately, an indispensable splicing factor, like ASF/SF2, has been acknowledged as a principal constituent of the program that regulates a rather restricted group of tissue-specific alternative splicing events, while engaged in heart remodeling. Cardiomyocytes lacking in ASF/SF2 exhibit an unpredicted hypercontraction phenotype because of a flaw in the postnatal splicing switch of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase IIδ (CaMKIIδ) transcript. This failure results in mistargeting of the kinase to sarcolemmal membranes, causing severe excitation−contraction coupling defects [17].

This shortcoming causes the wrong targeting of the kinase to sarcolemmal membranes, resulting in defective in the process of extreme excitation−contraction coupling.

Intrinsic Disorder and Discovery of Anti-CVD Drugs. 

The likelihood of disrupting the action of CVD-related proteins via the modulation of protein−protein interactions affords a particularly striking opportunity, to develop fresh drugs in the obstruction of CVD. Previously, the design pattern for all those drugs that target disrupting protein−protein interactions remained sorely unsuccessful, because of difficulties in ascertaining drugs that can bind themselves to rigid protein surfaces[18]. Still, the success in developing  short peptides as also small molecules with the ability to block the p53−Mdm2 interaction, opens up the possible launch of a new era, termed the “signaling-modulation era”, during which drugs will be aiming at protein−protein interactions. The creation of the p53−Mdm2 complex, involving a disorder-to-order transformation in the disordered N-terminal tail of p53, forming as it were the helix that can bind Mdm2. This study amply demonstrates that discovering small molecules that target protein regions ordinarily bound by disordered proteins is possible. Another instance of involving a disorder-to-order transformation in disease-related proteins is the interaction of thrombin with hirudin[19]. Recent research demonstrated that the disorder features of fibrinogen peptides can result in anticoagulation drug design. Information presented in our study underlines the pivotal role of intrinsic disorder for structure as well as the function of those proteins involved actively in CVD. This knowledge is bound to facilitate researchers in the exploration of the potentiality of aiming at all disorder-based protein−protein interactions of every disordered protein that is linked to CVD. Recently we sought to recognize the sequence characteristics of protein−protein interactions that remain readily blockable using little molecule drugs. The work has caused the discovery of potentially druggable sites in their thousands[20], that include 198 that assists in CVD-associated protein−protein interactions.


[1] Ridker PM. Clinical Application of C-Reactive Protein for Cardiovascular Disease Detection and PreventionCirculation. 2003; 107: 363-369

[2]Ralph B. D’Agostino, Association of Fibrinogen With Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Cardiovascular Disease in the Framingham Offspring PopulationCirculation. 2000; 102: 1634-1638

[3] Dyson HJ, Wright PE (March 2005). "Intrinsically unstructured proteins and their functions". Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 6 (3): 197–208. doi:10.1038/nrm1589. PMID 15738986

[4] Andreeva, A (2014). "SCOP2 prototype: a new approach to protein structure mining". Nucleic Acids Res. doi:10.1093/nar/gkt1242. PMID 24293656

[5] van der Lee, Robin; Buljan, Marija; Lang, Benjamin; Weatheritt, Robert J.; Daughdrill, Gary W.; Dunker, A. Keith; Fuxreiter, Monika; Gough, Julian; et al. (2014-07-09). "Classification of Intrinsically Disordered Regions and Proteins". Chemical Reviews 114 (13): 6589–6631. doi:10.1021/cr400525m. ISSN 0009-2665. PMC 4095912. PMID 24773235.

[6] Drs. Stephen Kaptoge, Emanuele Di Angelantonio, and Lisa Pennells. C-Reactive Protein, Fibrinogen, and Cardiovascular Disease Prediction,The Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration, N Engl J Med 2012; 367:1310-1320October 4, 2012DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1107477

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